Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Surreal Tutorial Review

 The Photoshop surreal landscape I decided on creating was written by Melody Nievesand posted here in this tutorial called Enchanted Rose Photo. The tutorial was very extensive in terms of explaining exactly how to piece everything together when attempting to create a surreal landscape through photoshop. There were picture allowing the tutorial to be easier to follow. the author uses a lot of deleting and masking to achieve this landscape, so it would be easy for a beginner to follow. Instead of masking so many images, it was easier to just find the individual pieces for the landscape. The tutorial was interesting because I was able to use more components of photoshop in terms of effects such as inner and outer glow. I modified some of the directions because I used different images and some of the sets did not apply to the images I used. When modifying the tutorial, make sure that every piece comes together cohesively. This was a great tutorial and it was super easy to follow.

Enchanted Rose Surreal Landscape

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